Thursday, February 20, 2014

My 4-Year Anniversary...

4 years ago today I arrived in Maine at my forever home...

I was found in Missouri by a nice woman, after my puppy was hit by a car in 2009.  She never found my puppy, but I hopped in her car and she took me to a shelter.  A few days later she picked me up and brought me to another shelter - this time in Arkansas - because the one I was in was a kill shelter.  October 8 was the day she brought me to Arkansas, so that is my birthday. 

I was in that shelter for over 4 months and nobody even looked at me to adopt... then my future parents in Maine lost their coonhound, Gretchen, very suddenly to grave illness in February of 2010.  Already grieving from the loss of their golden, Hobo, 3 months before, they sought out a companion for their dog Blue.  Their hearts were ready for me.  I traveled 3 days in a tractor trailer transport truck to get to Maine... Here are some of my favorite photos from the last 4 years...

 Here I am getting off the P.E.T.S. truck February 20, 2010...
and sitting in the car on my way to my new home...
with my new friend Blue...
walking in Kennebunkport with my new dad...
in my studio chair in my mom's art studio...
outside in the back yard on my run...
with Blue, and The Biscuit, who came to live with us in June of 2010...
with dad in obedience class...
with my first winter coat and hat...
 barking at the snow...
outside with mom...
 as Queen...
 as the little devil that I am...
as the fashion hound...
with Santa... 
with mom and The Biscuit...
 impatiently waiting in the car to go for a ride...
cuddling with The Biscuit...
 standing on my porch chair watching the goings-on...
more cuddling with The Biscuit in my living room chair...


  1. Happy Anniversary! A wonderful home after a hard beginning. That's something to celebrate for sure!

    1. Hi auntie Pat...
      I love my home and I keep them all hopping!
      love Dix
