Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Porch Chair...

You are probably wondering what I'm doing all curled up on this chair cushion... Well my porch chair is outside rain-or-shine, and with all the rain lately, the seat cushion got wet. I wanted to go out and sit on my chair - you know - to wait for 'my' Jim.

My mom took the wet cushion off the chair and put it up against the house to dry.  She replaced it with a nice dry one - the one with the blue-and-green-stripes. I am a hound - hounds are stubborn - I wanted my white cushion. So I knocked over the chair to knock out the cushion - hint, hint mom - I don't want that nice dry one... I want the soggy, wet one. And I dragged my wet cushion to where my chair usually sits on the porch and I laid my whole body on it in protest.  That'll teach her to mess with my seat cushion!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Biscuit in My Chair!

The Biscuit's been lounging in MY chair in the living room...  We usually sneak up on the couch when mom's painting in her studio...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter From Dixie!

Is it Bugs Bunny? the Duracell Bunny? Jessica Rabbit? the Cadbury Bunny? No, it's Dixie Bunny wishing you a Happy Easter! Stop laughing, I really like to wear these!  I did let The Biscuit try them on... He's not as cute as I am. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Dratted Grey Squirrel

This morning mom got a photo of the grey squirrel that teases me when I sit in my porch chair.  He sits eating acorns in the maple tree in the front yard, and he knows I can't chase him... And he's lucky I'm tethered or I'd give him a run for his acorns! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hail Today!

We had thunderstorms this morning, twice, and a hail storm.  The hail was the size of acorns!  There were dents in the dirt where they had hit the ground after they melted!!!  I didn't like it one bit... I was afraid...  Here are pictures of the hail near our bird feeders and in the front yard!  I've never seen anything like it!   

Later this afternoon the sun came out, and I got to sit outside on my porch chair and wait for 'my Jim'.  The Biscuit wouldn't stop barking so he had to go inside.  'My Jim' said I have to learn to be quiet too or we'll get kicked out of the neighborhood! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Biscuit's Goggles

I thought I would share a photo of The Biscuit with his "Doggles" - goggles specially made for dogs.  They are red like mom's sunglasses for when they go riding in her jaguar... He's lucky dog, too! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hat and Goggles

Yes, the goggles match my hat perfectly! All I need now is swim wear... but I hear dogs can go au naturel into the ocean!

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Goggles

I am anxiously awaiting beach weather now that spring is here... perhaps a trip to Florida. (Thanks for the invite Odessa!) I have my new Mickey Mouse goggles... and The Biscuit is jealous. He has his red riding Doggles, but he doesn't have a pair of these. Tomorrow I'll look for my hat and have mom take my picture.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My New Reflective Harness!

I got a new red harness yesterday!!!  Look at how pretty it is!  It has bones and paw prints on it that glow in the dark!  It matches my collar and leash too!  I am the best dressed hound in Maine!!!