Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Sweater, Hats and Cookies...

See the box of cookies with the tennis ball on the bottom shelf?

My profile with reindeer hat...

I'm cute... admit it! 
I don't look at all like the Grinch's dog Max...

'Kiss Me' antlers...

He is handsome in his... I'd kiss him! 

Dixie here... I finally got my folks to bring me to Scalawags Pet Boutique today... I got to try on an assortment of holiday hats... and so did The Biscuit.  I think they all look better on me!  Plus, I got a great new sweater with a hood... I'll post those photos tomorrow! 

And, this is for all my 4-legged friends out there... if you go there and claw at the cookie packages on the lower shelves, you can tear them open and your folks will have to buy them for you!!!  I got a sweet box of all natural cookies - peanut butter bears and cheddar rounds, and a tennis ball! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting us today. You both look adorable and you both should get extra smooches for being so good in the store.

    P.S. I moved those cookies up and put some gingerbread cookie boxes on the bottom shelf. That way if you "accidently" break a box, you'll get some different cookies ;)
