Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!  I'm a 'devil dog' - get it?!  The Biscuit isn't interested...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

5 Years Old...

My birthday was earlier this month... I didn't mention it because my grampy crossed the rainbow bridge - but I'm 5 years old now! 

The Biscuit threw a party for me the other day... he distracted mom from her cooking so I could eat what she was preparing for my dad!  Love My Biskey

Oh yes, and as you can see, I've torn my 'Princess Red Sox t-shirt'... out of frustration... hope next year they do better!   

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Healthy and Beautiful!

As I said in my last post, I went for my annual check-up the other day.  The vet said I was healthy and beautiful!  I got an 'A*' on my report.  I'm at my perfect weight...

Friday, October 26, 2012

More on The Biscuit...

I had a check-up last week and my mom talked to the vet about The Biscuit and the chicken incident.  The vet told mom that golden retrievers don't kill birds, they 'retrieve' them for their owners. She said The Biscuit didn't kill the chicken - which is what we felt all along.  Dr S thought the chicken died of fright!  Well I know everyone in our house feels better!  I know The Biscuit is a gentle soul.  I pick on him relentlessly and he's always ready to play and he lets me win! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bad Biscuit

Mom was taking me and The Biscuit for a ride this afternoon. Mom lets Biskey go to the car without his leash... and sometimes he goes in the backyard to pee first. Mom had me on the leash and brought me to the car and I hopped in. Biscuit came running and jumped in and he had one of the neighbor's chickens in his mouth for mom!  He was so proud of himself and laid it down in back where I was waiting for him. 

Apparently the gate was left open and the chickens were in our backyard.  The neighbor was crying when mom told her.  I felt bad for her and my Biscuit.